Investing in Investment Mutual Funds
This is a variable income fund, with a long-term investment horizon, which aims at capital growth, maximizing return on investment and investing mainly in shares of moderate-risk companies listed at the Argentine market. Its target shareholder profile includes corporate and institutional clients as well as individual investors interested in the stock market. This fund tops the ranking for 2016 yields of all mutual Investment Mutual Funds.
Link to last monthly report of the Fund Management RegulationsGeneral conditions:
Classification: Variable income
Risk on Capital: High
Investment Horizon: Long-term
Currency: Argentine Pesos (AR$)
Liquidity: T+2 (48 business hours)
Creation date: 28 March 1996
Front-end / back-end expenses: None
Minimum holding term: 10 days
Rating: Moody´s
Management Company’s fees: 2,02%
Depository Company's fees: 0,18%
Bloomberg code: TAVELPL
Reuters code: LP65067440
Subscriptions until 3:00 p.m.
Redemptions until 5:00 p.m.
Managing Agents of Collective Investment Products - Investment Mutual Funds: y Cía S.A.
Depositary Company: Banco de Valores S.A